
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Term 3 week 1 inquiry:Italy.

 Hello everyone,today for inquiry I have made a slideshow about that slideshow that you are about to see includes what you can do there,and what are it's traditional foods and lastly,images and pictures of markets in Italy.I hope that you like what I have created for today's blog post.

Term 3 week 1 create task:Superglue.

 hi readers! and today for reading I am doing a school play with my friend today.for create task 1. we have to make a summary and about your character and what you are wearing.I hope that you like this.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

term 2 week 10 reading create task:walt disney.

 WALT:Locate and summaries important information from a range of related text. 

hi readers,today the book I chose is Walt Disney.he is a man who made one of the most popular cartoons in the world.of create task 1 you have to fill in three boxes in a drive that you have to copy in the slide.for create task 2 you have to make a fact file of the person of your choice.for create task 3 you have to create a poster about what it means to be inspirational poster.I hope that you like this blog post that I created.

create task 1.

create task 2.

 create task 3.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

term 2 reading week 9 create task:Albert Einstein

 hi readers! and for reading today this blog post is in a book from a national geograpic book that is about  Albert Einstein who is what I have chosen today.for create task 1 you have to fill in three boxes about your chosen text.for create task 2 is to create a task file about a person of your choice.for create task 3 you have to come up with some definition and how you an inpiration to other.                                                               WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

create task 1.

Albert Einstein grew up as a scientist who always comes up with ideas about time and space.The ideas that Albert Einstein came up with made him famous.his ideas led to new types of science.he formed new theories about how the universe works.Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany,on march 14 and the year 1879.When Einstein was now born,his mother was worried about his large head and looked different from the other Einstein grew older, he struggled to graduate from the university and after he did, it took Einstein two years for him to look for a job.Newspapers from around the world wrote his ideas.

There is a invention that is called the best invention.this invention is a absolute

invention ever

People and scientists thinks that Albert Einstein is the most brilliant scientists of

all time.

create task 2.

    create task 3.