
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Christmas Geometree google drawing. activity

 hi viewers,today I have made a Christmas Geometree on a google drawing along with presents.this was inpired by the summer leaning Journey activity.I also got the help from my buddy Nicah with the colours of the decorations of the Christmas geometree and I hope that you enjoy.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Term 4 Summer learning journey task.

 Hi viewers,today I have been doing tasks that are from the summer learning journey because me and our class have been told to compete in it so I choose to do the colouring task (NASA Edition) task and I hope that you enjoy.

Here is a fact about this one:A soccer ball packed into a space shuttle Challenger is Orbiting the Earth on board.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Term 4 week 5 camp movie.

 Hi viewers,today our class along with me went to a place for camp that is called living springs camp that happened a few weeks ago for three days in a row and a had so much fun along with my friends and my classmates as well,after camp we were told to make a movie about it.I had to use Wevideo to make my movie and I had a lot of fun using it create my movie and so I hope that you enjoyed.

1.What skills that I had learnt by using wevideo is how to add text and how to download it because that was the hardest part.

2.Why I want to present how I went to camp this way is because I want to make all of the activities in one video.

3.The thing that was so difficult was doing my plan on what I am going to add and what not to add and what I had found interesting was what I am going to do to make all of those effects in my movie.

4.I had no questions about learning how to make my movie.

5.I could do better next time by adding better efffects and maybe adding other songs too.

my movie.(no music)

Friday, November 5, 2021

Term 4 writing.Camp Recount.

 Camp highlights and lowlights.

Walking to camp was one of my lowlights because we had to walk up a steep hill and once we finally arrived to camp,my legs were feeling so numb that each step I take,my legs start to feel painful.After we went to our bunkrooms,we gathered our things and we covered matches that was on top and on the bottom with a our own sheet.Once we’ve done that,we went to the autouriom to do orienteering.Next,we went to the dining room to eat some fruits,we had slices of watermelons,apples and oranges too.We went to do some activities outside after we eat,me and with some of my friends went to play mini golf and we had so much fun.after that we went back in the dining room and we ate chicken curry but I chose to eat vegetables instead of that.Once we ate that we went to our bunkrooms to wear our swimming togs because we are about to do swimming indoors and then me and my friends played tag in the pool.After,we headed to our bunkrooms and got changed and prepared for the camp concert.We got to sleep in our bunkrooms after the camp concert.

Day 2.

It was daylight,and me and my friends woke up and ate our breakfast in the dining room.The thing that caught my attention is when I first came in the dining room,it smelt like cornflakes and milk then after we ate our breakfast,we walked far away from camp in  to do some activities on where we stopped and then we ate some more fruits and some drinks and other stuff.Once we did that we went back to do some more activities and then ate again and we went back to camp to do the auction and then we watched a movie and we got our duffy books and then we went back to our bunkrooms to sleep.

Day 3.(the last day of camp.)

It was the last day of camp and I woke so annoyed by the rain outside,once everyone was awake,we headed to the dining room to eat our breakfast and it was just the same meal that we ate yesterday and then we went back to our bunkrooms to put our things in our luggages and put it on the deck outside the building.

After we done that,we ate our lunch and then we got to play the activities outside but when me and my friends went to play on the trampoline,it was soaking wet by the rain but we still went on it anyway.After we had to use our time for playing,we went inside the auditorium along with our daypacks with us to play a game that is called the animal survival game so we all wore different robes to identify what kind of animal you are an carnivore,herbivore,or just an animal getting hunted by those animals I was one of the few animals that survived the game but some of my friends were not that lucky.after that,we went to the dining room to eat and then after we finished eating we prepared our luggages on the bus because we are about to leave camp and return to our school.Once we hopped inside the bus,with our luggages inside the bus and our daypacks that is also along with us,we left living springs to our school.

Friday, October 22, 2021

Term 4 week 1 Reading.

 Hi viewers,today for reading we are completing create tasks that are related to camping.there are only three create tasks that we are going to do.for create task 1 we had to complete the readings maps task.For create task two,we have to design a bunk label for camp.for create task three, we have to make a poster of 10 facts about things that are in nature.I hope that you enjoyed.

create task 1.

we had to get a sheet with squares in it and there are sentances that we have to follow.It tells you to draw a place or a building onto any square in the picture and colour it. 

create task 2.

create task 3.


Thursday, September 30, 2021

Term 3 week 9 reading.

 Hi readers and this week we have been learning about China events.there are some tasks that we have to do.for create task 1 we have to make a comic about a play with five boxes on it.for create task 3 we have to compare the Chinese dragon with any animal.for create task four we have to write our names by using Chinese characters.I hope that you enjoy.

WALT: Use personal experience and liteacy knowledge to make meaning from texts.

create task 1.

create task 3.
create task 4.

Friday, September 24, 2021

Term 3 week 9 Victor drawing

 Hi viewers,in today blog post we have been learning how to make a victor drawings by doing it on a google drawing.The two animals that I made was a penguin and a fox.The fox was my favorite drawing because it has more detail than the penguin,here are the two animals that I made for today and I hope that you have enjoyed.


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Term 3 week 9 reading:How Maui discovered fire.

WALT:analyze and evaluate actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends.                             hi viewers,after I had finished my inquiry slide,I was told to choose another story for reading.the new story I choose was called How Maui discovered fire. I hope that you enjoy what I have created for today.

create task 1.

create task 2.

create task 3.

Monday, September 20, 2021

Term 3 inquiry environmental issue:reduce,reuse,recycle.

 Hi viewers,for inquiry,we have to make a copy of a environmental issue,and we have to choose 1 out of 6 topics and research about it and add the facts on the took a long time to complete this and a hope that you enjoyed.


Friday, September 17, 2021

Term 3 week 8 Reading: Rata and the Totara tree.

WALT:analyse and evaluate the actions and storylines of Maori myths and legends.

Hey Viewers,today this week we've been creating tasks about myths and legends.there are three create tasks that we have to do.I hope that you enjoy it.

create task 1.

create task 2.


Thursday, September 16, 2021

Term 3 writing: Poetry anthology

 Hi viewers,in today's blog post for writing,we have to do 10 different poems that is all together in a  google slide.It took a while for me to finish all ten poems and put them on this blog post.I hope that you have enjoyed it.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Term 3 week 3 reading create task:game on

 WALT:Locate and summaries important information from a range of related text.                                          Hi readers and for today's blog post I choose a book for the Olympian games.for create task 1,you have to fill in two sheets of an Olympian and make a poster. and there are also two more create tasks.I hope that you enjoy.

create task 1.

create task 2.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Term 3 week 1 inquiry:Italy.

 Hello everyone,today for inquiry I have made a slideshow about that slideshow that you are about to see includes what you can do there,and what are it's traditional foods and lastly,images and pictures of markets in Italy.I hope that you like what I have created for today's blog post.

Term 3 week 1 create task:Superglue.

 hi readers! and today for reading I am doing a school play with my friend today.for create task 1. we have to make a summary and about your character and what you are wearing.I hope that you like this.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

term 2 week 10 reading create task:walt disney.

 WALT:Locate and summaries important information from a range of related text. 

hi readers,today the book I chose is Walt Disney.he is a man who made one of the most popular cartoons in the world.of create task 1 you have to fill in three boxes in a drive that you have to copy in the slide.for create task 2 you have to make a fact file of the person of your choice.for create task 3 you have to create a poster about what it means to be inspirational poster.I hope that you like this blog post that I created.

create task 1.

create task 2.

 create task 3.

Thursday, July 1, 2021

term 2 reading week 9 create task:Albert Einstein

 hi readers! and for reading today this blog post is in a book from a national geograpic book that is about  Albert Einstein who is what I have chosen today.for create task 1 you have to fill in three boxes about your chosen text.for create task 2 is to create a task file about a person of your choice.for create task 3 you have to come up with some definition and how you an inpiration to other.                                                               WALT: locate and summarise important information from a range of related texts.

create task 1.

Albert Einstein grew up as a scientist who always comes up with ideas about time and space.The ideas that Albert Einstein came up with made him famous.his ideas led to new types of science.he formed new theories about how the universe works.Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany,on march 14 and the year 1879.When Einstein was now born,his mother was worried about his large head and looked different from the other Einstein grew older, he struggled to graduate from the university and after he did, it took Einstein two years for him to look for a job.Newspapers from around the world wrote his ideas.

There is a invention that is called the best invention.this invention is a absolute

invention ever

People and scientists thinks that Albert Einstein is the most brilliant scientists of

all time.

create task 2.

    create task 3.

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

inquiry blog post

 hi guys and today I had worked hard on this and so I hope that you like this blog post that I've created.and this is the first inquiry blog post I've ever done so i hope you enjoy this blog post!!

Thursday, June 24, 2021

term 2 reading create task:Matariki

 hi readers and for reading today is Matariki.Matariki is a event of seven stars.the tasks that im doing is different but I hope that you still like them.create task 1 is doing a summary for each texts about Matariki.The 2nd task is to chose 2 things from four texts.

WALT: Summarise and aynalyse ideas and information for different texts.

create task 1.


Video #1:matariki (ENGLISH)

It is about the story of matariki and it began two people who has seven girls that are called seven sisters.those two people are the parents two the matariki family.the seven sisters was actually stars that shine bright.they are very entertaining young sisters that loves to whizz around about zigzagging and zipping all around the other stars around them.all the zigzagging were losing the other stars temper, they were really annoyed by them including their parents until one big blue star wants to settle it down.the two stars gave the seven stars a job to be a sign of the Maori New year.

Video #2:Matariki

  • The seven stars

  • Appear at late may 

  • early june

  • Appear again,a new moon.

  • Matariki is a time to make new plans for the future.

  • And to forgive and forget problems in the past.

  • It is a time to enjoy family and friends.

Te Papa Website: museum of new zealand.

  • The reappearance of the Matariki stars signals the beginning of the Māori New Year.

  • Matariki is a star cluster, not a constellation.

  •    Matariki is one of the star clusters nearest to Earth.

  • Matariki has many different names around the world.

  • It is for maori new year.

Celebrating Puanga at Ramanui

  • A small school celebrates an event called matariki. 

  • They have a hangi

  • An astronomer comes to the school and tells them about stars and constellations

  • People have invited friends for a feast. 

  • Investigates the sky.

create task 2.

Thursday, June 17, 2021

term 2 reading book story:the bad case of strips.

hi readers and today create task 1 is way more different to the one in my previous blog post resently,but for create task 1 is sort of the same to a venn diagram but different.there are a few create tasks in this blog post as well and the 1 create task is about making five connections between your chosen text and yourself. the 2 create task is about using a venn diagram to identify similarities between yourself and your chosen text.the 3rd create task is about using the connections you made in create task 1 and then you chose 1 connection that you have between your text and the world for this task.the difficult thing to creating these tasks were by copying and pasting it because I had to  put at the right place for it.I hope that you like this blog post that I have made.

WALT:make connections between yourself,other text to the world.

create task 1.

                                                       cammilla.(the bad case of strips)


  • Wants to be a better drawer

  • Does not want to be made fun of.

  • Loves to read.

  • Likes eating noodles

  • school

  • houses

  • mall

  • farm

  • playground

create task 2.
 create task 3.
Title: The Bad Case of the Stripes

Who is involved?

  • Cammilla , dad , mum, doctor, kids,teacher.

What happened?

  • Cammillas skin tone turned to rainbow stripes

Where did it happen?

  • Her house

Why did it happen?

  • Out of nowhere

When did it happen?

  • At her house

Websites that I used…

1.ruru site

2.reading slide

3. Made a copy

Thursday, June 3, 2021

term 2 reading journal story:prince zak and the wise frog.

 Hi readers and today I created reading tasks that are way different to my previous blog post but except create task one.the journal story that I am doing is called prince zak and the wise frog and it is about a prince named zak who had his ball that fell into a post hole.when a wise frog came to prince zak and shows him how to get his rubber ball out of the post hole and I hope that you like my other one and enjoy!

WALT:synthesize ideas and information into a narrative text.


  • Prince zak

  • frog



Palace garden


It is about a prince named zak who had his ball that fell into a post hole.when a wise frog came to prince zak and shows him how to get his rubber ball out of the post hole.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

term 2 week 4 reading create task:flood.

 Hi readers and for reading I’ve made create tasks that are the same ones to my previous one that I blog recently.but the journal story that I’m doing is is called flood and It is about ama and her mother had to evacuate their house because of a flood that is a metre they evacuate their house ama had almost drowned because the surface was too slippery.then a man from the other side of the road grabbed her hand and went to her Grandparents house up a hill and she was safe there.I hope you like my other create tasks as well.

WALT:Use prior knowledge when making text to text connection

create task 1.summary of the story.


  • Ama

  • Mum 

  • Man

  • Lucky

  • Dad

  • poppy



  • House

  • Grandparents house

  • Pukerua bay and paekakariki.


It is about ama and her mother had to evacuate their house because of a flood that is a metre they evacuate their house ama had almost drowned because the surface was too slippery.then a man from the other side of the road grabbed her hand and went to her Grandparents house up a hill and she was safe there.

The story starts at a house and gus came back home with his shoes and pants all wet.his mom asked why.gus explained that there was a flood at his school.when his caretaker stopped the flood and is able to go to school.

The challenge text is about floods and how they form and what you need to do when it is happening and lots more about floods.

create task 2. poster of how to survive in a flood.

create task paper article


term 2 week 4 maths

 WALT:read a rod track to find patterns.

Monday, May 24, 2021

term 2 week 4 maths

 hi people and today for maths I created more maths work so I hope you like it.

WALT:decide which is the best equipment to use to help solve division number sentences.

Friday, May 21, 2021

Term 2 reading create task cyclone tokoturu

 Hi readers and today and for this week I yet have created another reading create task.the journal that I’ve been reading today is called cyclone tokoturu

And is about dad calling mum because cyclone tokoturu is heading her way on the weekends.and when they got outside,they saw a fiery red sky during the night witch means that there is going to be a good weather but is the cyclone gone?and I also have made two other create task.and I hope you like it!
WALT:Use  prior knowledge when making text to text connections. 


  • Mum(ma)

  • Dad

  • Maioha

  • Kuia

  • Toihau

  • hikitia







The story is about dad calling mum because cyclone tokotoro is heading her way on the weekends.and when they got outside,they saw a fiery red sky during the night witch means that there is going to be a good weather but is the cyclone still out there?


    create task 3. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

term 2 math week 3 numicon interactive white board

 hello guys and today I've yet again was doing maths by using interactive white board again.I puted lots of hard work into this math work so I hope you like this task thet I have created. 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

maths term 2 numicon wk 3.

 hi  guys and today this work that I did is for math by also using numicon interactiive whiteboard. 

WALT:decide witch iis the best equipment to use to help solve addition number sentences

Friday, May 14, 2021

term 2 cancel the invasion school journal reading create task.

 Hello guys today I’ve chosend another book for term 2.the book that I chose is named cancel the invasion and it’s about ash a alien,met a girl who ash thought she was a vampire. Later,ash was at a different place writing on his padlet about a leader until he saw a man who he was writing about when he lift him by becoming into a eagle.The complementry text is about scientists discover new life on was caused by the lakes on venus.people might have think that the new life on venus is aliens? And so they had a trip to venus to discover the new life in space.the challenge text is about betty and barney hill went driving on a mountain when they saw a flying ship and realesd and alien.but is it really an alien?

WALT: evaluate ideas and infomation in a narrative text


  • Ash

  • 9-10 year old girl

  • Children

  • Old man






The story start when ash an alien, got hit by an ball by a child who ash thought the child was a vampire.he went to another place all alone.ash met a old man who told him that he was his leader he left him by turning in to a eagle.

The complementry text is about scientists discover new life on was caused by the lakes on venus.people might have think that the new life on venus is aliens? And so they had a trip to venus to discover the new life.

Betty and barney hill were driving at a hill when they saw a flying ship in the sky and the road was dark and quiet.the ship looks like it came from outer space.some people say that aliens visited earth and others think that aliens do not exist.